Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Chapter 2 Begins (GMs Notes)

As I re-post and edit the parts of this story, it's astonishing that this covered 13 months of real time at an average of maybe 2 sessions per month, maybe a little less. The players had learned the basics of using the S7S (Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies) system and were feeling (and filling) out our campaign environment. 

Of course, the short amount of writing contained in these articles do nothing for the sheer amount of roleplaying that was done. A lot of details were cut (I'd draw from my memories, and sometimes I wouldn't post for a few days), and it's amazing that 1 evening of climactic play can be boiled down to 3 paragraphs, but that's the way it is in stories!

The players decided to build a base in Wayhaven with the patronage and assistance of Halmaro the Red, and (predictably) the little village started growing overnight. During this time the characters learned quite a bit about their heritage and their destiny. 

It was time for a Major Character rebuild, where the players could essentially melt down the characters they currently had and work with the points available, with sweeping mods - as long as it still carried some element cohesion. A new addition is the beginning of burgeoning Super Powers. I was determined to make this campaign as expansive as possible and was realizing some things I could do better and different. 

It was time for a New Chapter to begin in the character's lives.

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