In the spirit of true role playing, "Why re-invent the wheel?"
As I retell this story (putting the currently existing articles into this blog, with modifications as necessary), I will add images for clarity and content; most of the images have been used in our Crossover Saga role playing campaign. Many of my concepts and all of my images are drawn from numerous works garnered through the vast power of the internet. I will also attempt to give attribution, but many of the images I have grabbed were just that: grabbed with no forethought of "one day, I'm going to turn this into an online story".
In fact, the only thing I hold as patently original would be the storyline premise as noted in Roots.
That being said: if there is no attribution for an image, please understand that the image is not mine or of my generation. If we were to actually consider publishing this in a manner to make money, we would either contact the original artist for permission or pull the image. Otherwise, we hope that the original artist will consider this to be a high form of flattery and we gratefully thank them for their enrichment to our story telling experience. If the artist/owner contacts us and requests that we pull the item, we will, without hesitation.
This blog represents 2 years of roleplaying utilizing numerous sources. As far as I can tell, the campaign premise is pretty close to unique, but I'm sure if I searched for it, someone has probably run with it; however, it's not my desire to build on someone else's concept of a Biblical translated hero and his family line. This is mostly for reading enjoyment and creating a collective ongoing storyline in the hopes of spurring the participants to a greater level of participation. It's also a historical archive and a touchpoint for our Wiki.
I started roleplaying over 30 years ago where freely shared resources were a wish and what you see available on the internet is the by-product of a lot of wishing... hoping... thinking... and working. This is our artistic contribution to the spirit of the internet and role-playing pioneers everywhere. Salut.
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