Everyone in our antediluvian roll call is entered thusly, "So And So, son of thus father, lived many decades, had sons and daughters of his own, and all the days of So And So were hundreds of years; and he died." Methusaleh was Enoch's firstborn at 65; after that he's on the earth for another 300 years, having more sons and daughters. Enoch's earmark? A) Walking with God, and B) God taking him away... at a time when people were living eight and nine hundred years. A mere 365 years old, he's gone.
What happened to Enoch?
The only other clue we find in scripture gives us our Narrative's springboard: "By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God."
A tale straddling two worlds, we find that the Crossover Saga entertains intriguing questions of history... and provides ammunition for the Secret War which is currently raging around us.
The setting for "Crossover Narratives: The 7 Gates" begins on Earth and jumps over to the Dome of Heaven and eventually Cloud City, home of the Oracle.
The setting for "Crossover Narratives: The 7 of Lantara " has its start in the Lantara cloud island of the Dome of Heaven.
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