With the help of the "Skeleton Key" given to them by Mark, they are able to access the city's throne room. Dee feels like he is at home and Abby disappears in shower of sparks; she begins speaking to everyone in their mind, explaining that she and Dee are now home -he is the Dragon King, the Atari which harnessed the power of a dragon to create this city - the city known in legend as Telanrem.
After carefully exploring the city, they're able to activate some features of the city - an incredible node of the Oracle - and manage to do a little mild reprogramming to give them access. Shortly thereafter, Ren - it's guardian/owner - appears. She graciously offers to show the team the city, and they quickly realize that most of the information is available through the city's reprogrammed system. It goes without saying that the entire team has high level access. Ren gravely reminds everyone that they are visitors here.
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Ren - Guardian of Telanrem |
The city is capable of housing 50,000 people, and some of the city is for rather large guests - giants up to 12 feet tall. The most notable lack is in anything organic. Even the places designated as gardens have NOTHING living in them. It will take quite a bit of effort to make the gardens viable again.
Our accompanying scholar-warrior - Regent Counselor Slick Stone - advises guarding the place until the remainder of the Council of Regents can be contacted and await a decision. The logistics of efficiently manning a city this size are incredible because of the size and multiple levels, but that is exactly what the Council would like to do if Ren is willing, which she is - reluctantly.
There is a great deal of work to be done here, on every level; this is one of the greatest finds in history!
First: the entire city is a High Manna area (all mystic arts are used at one level higher [MOD +2, with corresponding effects modified for rank]. Anyone functioning with a MOD above Master [+6] has 1 Style Die to use for a mystical effect. However, they are subject to become a little unbalanced by the amount of power flowing through them).
The most important find in the City of Telanrem is the Bridge (think Bifrost Bride in Thor). It can create a 2-way portal allowing for near instantaneous transportation to anywhere in the Dome of Heaven (max size of portal would allow a skyship to go through), but requires someone to operate it from the City side. The Bridge can only be used once ever 12 hours unless someone is willing to supercharge the Bridge (an Impressive task [TN: 15] costing 1 style die per time used in a 12 hour time period). It also greatly enhances Merhorse abilities (grants an additional power rank [+2] and grants an additional Style Die to use on top of the High Manna bonus). Those who are already functioning at MOD [+8] or higher can see anywhere throughout the Dome of Heaven: this is a Intimidating [TN: 17] Task.
Due to the way in which the system was reprogrammed, Alex and Bob may attempt to use it's functions at [+2].
Alex and Bob are sure that transportation to and from the city could be enhanced by connecting the city's gate system to the gate system which the Jedi have created, though Alex - and the Council - is reluctant to allow this until they find out what other threats the city may house. (GMs note to players: lots of opportunities for castle and manor sweeps, even a dungeon type scenario.) Without linking the two systems, only a handful of people, including Alex, Asharra, Bob, Blink, Gambit, and Mark Hall are able to safely use the gate system.
Alex is rightfully concerned about the prior inhabitants. Ren flatly states that she does not remember as there are several gaps in her memory from her periods of long, deep sleep and no one has (as of yet) been able to figure out how to see what happened during those times of sleep. Alex logically concludes that whatever happened in the past could happen again and so recommends that only a small force of men with a balance of speed and power be placed at strategic places throughout the city with key trusted persons given access to the system until they uncover more of the mysteries of this place.
The Council does not take Dee's position of Dragon King lightly (a title which Ren finds no pleasure in), stating that he has the most reasonable claim to the City if Ren should allow it. The City's system apparently agrees with this logic as he has unfettered access wherever he goes throughout the City! Even Alex and Bob only have "Architect" level access which is lower than that of the "King". The most effective level after that is "Steward", and each limited to a certain functional area (Steward of City Defenses, Steward of Maintenance, Steward of Ports, Steward of Information, Steward of Section 12 etc...)
(The players may stay here as long as they like, but it will take a minimum of 3 uneventful months before they feel comfortable enough to leave their new nest.)
Lastly, there is some crucial historical information which may help put things in a little perspective. I've reprinted it in the next post for you to read.