This is an online environment devoted to the development of the Crossover Saga specifically as an online campaign and story telling venture, the roots of which are supplied here. There are two crucial repositories of information: our Crossover Saga Blog, and our Crossover Archives Site.
This blog, the Crossover Saga, will serve as the online nucleus for our collaborative story effort, the Crossover Saga - adventures of the A'Tari. The core blog is a reverse chronological narrative (newest events appear first) and will be heavily supported by the Crossover Archives. Support pages will tell about people, places, things, and events which are crucial to the storylines.
The Crossover Archives, our Google Sites wiki, will house setting-specific information in an organized fashion.
The power of an online community is that there are opportunities for everyone to add to the story and help build the world in which we find ourselves. Join in and let's see where our adventure goes...