Tuesday, September 15, 2015

An Info Opportunity: The A'Tari

The Arhomai A'Tari

The Arhomai Atari - the First Walkers of Shadow/Chosen People - are descended from Enoch and were selected by Elohim for great purpose in The Scheme of Things. They eventually settled Lantara in the Second Age.

On Earth, the Arhomai A'Tari would be known as Atlanteans.

Above all things, the Arhomai A'Tari were travelers and builders who had a tremendous respect for the Universe and its Creator. Their desire was always to leave things “better” than when they found it, but only after they had come to understand it. Moreso, they are called to maintain order, to police the universe and keep things in check so that normal (mundane) humans can live their lives slightly more carefree.

All of the player characters are of A'Tari blood but many generations have passed… (Obviously I am intentionally not giving a whole heap of information about the A'Tari at this point because more information will unfold as we go along. That’s a continuing arc woven into the adventures. Just who were these Atari and why were they given such an important place in the universe?)

Katan Pur

All 'Tari go through a rite of passage called Katan Pur, or Fire of Purging/Truth. This time of testing reveals two things: 1) their ability and potential and 2) their nature/alignment.

Those of the A'Tari that pass the Katan Pur and are found to be of noble bent emerge as Arhomai A'Tari: beings of incredible power, who eventually become Champions of Light.

The others who survive the Katan Pur but fail the moral testing become Koldun Ata: the "Unfettered Ones" (as they call themselves), who often believe they have been freed to wield great power and to set humanity and other intelligent life free from servitude to anything save themselves. Moral failure is almost always because one chooses not to follow their pre-ordained path. All of the Koldun Ata wield great power and have the potential to become or are Arch-Koldun.

A few of the Koldun Ata see it as their goal to destroy the Arhomai A'Tari believing that they would enslave others to the Divine Order of Things, and slavery is wrong!

Though the actual rite of Katan Pur died with the waning of Atari civilization, it is said that the Call of the Pur happens spontaneously to individuals or small groups in times of great crisis to the world and humanity. Also, some fringe peoples (especially the Blue Men and Rock Men) and minor nations/islands have held on to the rite or younger cultures have developed similar rite of passage/initiations, but without understanding the fullness of their actions.

Once the team checks their status in The Subsystem it shows that each is listed as being Katan Pur Ata, or "Elect Ones undergoing Katan Pur".

A'Tari/Atlantean Technology

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." -Arthur C. Clarke.

The Dome of Heaven is apparently infused with some weird property which finds its origin in The Blue. These particles are called Psion Particles by the A'Tari, who were taught how to manipulate this stuff by Enoch and other servants of Elohim. They, in turn, learned how to create Artifacts which had the capacity to use the Psion particle/energy field - which is also known as Manna - in a programmed fashion. Anyone who has the ability can manipulate the Psion field. Very few have the potential that the Arhomai A'Tari have, who use it with incredible effect.

The Arhomai A'Tari created two important Meta-Artifacts: the City of Atlantis and The Oracle. Atlantis is currently nowhere to be found and the characters have just contacted a node of The Oracle, which has informed them of the information which you are reading. The particular portion of the Oracle is of the Lantara substation, and thanks to a glitch in the system, was disconnected from the entirety of the Oracle, which is apparently some sort of world spanning Network.

All Atlantean Artifacts draw their power from the Flux points (or the 7 Gates, of which only 4 are active at the beginning of this Chapter) and their guidance from The Oracle OR a wielder who is Keyed to the Item. Though these items are capable of performing some minor tasks drawing, from the lesser ambiance of Manna, their full potential can only be realized at the Gates or when the system is fully active...

The Oracle monitors and maintains things. Potentially EVERYTHING. But something… happened… to the Oracle about 1000 years ago, and she became slightly…. erratic. Shortly after that, Atlantis faded from the life of The Dome of Heaven, her inhabitants now hardly more than a myth. The A'Tari, though active in the world of men, are only whispered memories...

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